On Saturday, I iphotographed the 2nd most beautiful bride I have ever seen …
This was a interesting one. Less like a formal booking. More like an invitation. Quite a late notice to be honest. No save the dates animated emails. No fancy cards. No deposits. Just a celebration that needed to happen. As quickly as possible.
I had the Saturday off. It was really up to me if I would take on the challenge. The bride would be there waiting. Question be – would I be the one to capture her? Clothed in white. Pure and beautiful. I could not resist.
I packed my gear and set off. It had to be early morning. It would be quite a journey to the venue. As I made my way, the decor on Kattedraal guided me towards her. Lovely specks of bunting everywhere. Decorations of flowers catching my eyes. The detail were immense. This would be a special one.
View from Bergriviernek towards Franschhoek
Then I got my first glimpse. Still so far away. Yet radiant in spledour. Alluring and lovely. As I dreamed she would be.
The wedding gown. Wintery yet cool. Perfect for this crisp clear day. A privilege to behold.
Soft and gentle with a heart to fight for. She didn’t make it easy. She made me fight for her. A humble victory.
I didn’t mind the others that came to photograph from the side. Who could blame them. A beauty to fight for. This one to share.
The wedding cake. With white icing.
The dance floor. To celebrate.
The Bouquet. To keep.
And some important guests. That can sometimes be irritating. Sometimes quite handy.
And then finally it came. The covenant moment. Holy. Pure. True. The most real thing one could ever do.
The official photographer at the cake. And the man married to the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!
Return journey’s view down Swartboskloof towards Helderberg. Downloading and backing up.
So what happened to the Groom you might ask. Where was He? Well, He is coming soon and coming for His bride. She’s almost ready …