Zanzibar is a tourist and photographer’s heaven! Stone Town surprised us around every corner and I must admit, the beaches made me lazy to strategize and plan shoots. But somehow the shots just came to us. I think the photos speak for themselves (even the ones of Adri – she’s a child of Africa too!).

Unfortunately the need is high and these kind of pictures true as well

We took the TAZARA train down through Tanzania to Mbeya from where we made our way into Malawi. At Nkhata Bay (my favourite place in Africa) we pitched our tents for a few days while we waited for the Ilala Ferry to take us down south over the lake. This part of the trip is a must do when you travel in Africa. You pitch your tent on the deck and watch the stars as you glide down Lake Malawi for two days between Mozambique and Malawi. Next stop was to conquer Mount Mulanje with Sapitwa rising to just over 3000m. As we travelled down, single moments in people’s lives, whom we mostly randomly met, became the product for the exhibition.

Making friends at the station in Dar Es Salaam

We finally arrived home after a brilliant time in Africa. I was quite nervous though. Apart from only having a week to get everything sorted and developed, I still didn’t know if I had a product to take to Denmark. Remember, this was film, so I didn’t have a clue what the photos looked like. And then there was the heat of the Lodwar dessert and carrying all the extremely temperature sensitive films in my backpack for weeks on end. Would there be even one photograph that came out? It wasn’t a guarantee …
Tomorrow: The question remained … and time was ticking away quickly for my flight to Europe.