Namibia Wedding Photographer
Yvonne got married! We have been hoping for this day to come for many years. Thank you Gideon!
Yvonne is a brilliant architect, adventurer, introvert, good friend and has a strong Dutch connection. Gideon is an Okahandja businessman, strong Namibian, extrovert and a man who does everything to the full. They managed to turn a shed into a beautiful wedding venue in a matter of weeks. Everyone who came, couldn’t be more impressed with their achievement. Well done guys!
I’ve always loved shooting weddings in Namibia. This one was no different. The space, veld, people, animals and sunsets always impress.
I loved the clogs / klompe that Yvonne wore as part of her wedding day. Those in the dry river bed where the ceremony took place under a big acacia tree, is an image I will not easily forget. Pure class.
Thank you to Sylvia (and her team of friends) of Special Events for helping Yvonne to pull this off. You guys worked so hard and deserve a lot of credit. Well done!
Enjoy the beauty and definite embrace of two totally different worlds where feet are standing strong and hands are holding tight.

Namibia Wedding Photographer
Yvonne finally got married! We have been hoping for this day to come for many years. Thank you Gideon!
Yvonne is a brilliant architect, adventurer, introvert, good friend and has a strong Dutch connection. Gideon is an Okahandja businessman, strong Namibian, extrovert and a man who does everything to the full. They managed to turn a shed into a beautiful wedding venue in a matter of weeks. Everyone who came, couldn’t be more impressed with their achievement. Well done guys!
I’ve always loved shooting weddings in Namibia. This one was no different. The space, veld, people, animals and sunsets always impress.
I loved the clogs / klompe that Yvonne wore as part of her wedding day. Those in the dry river bed where the ceremony took place under a big acacia tree, is an image I will not easily forget. Pure class.
Thank you to Sylvia (and her team of friends) of Special Events for helping Yvonne to pull this off. You guys worked so hard and deserve a lot of credit. Well done!
Enjoy the beauty and definite embrace of two totally different worlds where feet stand strong and hands hold tight.