The East Free State is such a beautiful area for a wedding! Travelling by plane to Bloemfontein and then by car to Clocolan, just made me realise how immensely diverse and extraordinary our country is. I so love it!
Renette grew up on a farm close to Clocolan. After getting ready at the rustic The Cabin just outside of town, the ceremony took place at her local church after which everyone moved on to the farm for a lovely plaas celebration!
I love the different vibe that a morning wedding brings. People standing outside laughing, enjoying the views and indulging in a deliciously prepared lunch. This suited Joubert & Renette perfectly. They could enjoy time with their awesome families and lovely friends. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of them and it felt like I spent the day with friends. Thank you for accommodating me and for making me feel so welcome.
Two quick stories. I randomly bumped into two previous clients / friends of mine in Clocolan the weekend. First, I found Doons at the peanut isle of the local OK Bazaar. I did Este and his wedding more than 4 years ago at the amazing Beloftebos and still LOVE their pics. We were quite amazed to meet in such a random place and decided to get something to eat for the Friday evening. We ended up in the local Golf Club being the only option available. It was quite random, but a lot of fun with some good food and a great match of pool. Thanks Doons for buying me dinner and taking it so well after loosing in style in the final 🙂
I posted an iphone pic of Clocolan on Facebook the morning of the wedding. Janlu – old friend for uni, Kenya and now minister at Moreleta Park – phoned me to say he was in town. I haven’t seen him and his family since the massive family shoot we did a year ago. I managed to meet his lovely parent’s in law and new daughter that Sunday morning. Lovely!
How amazing it was to meet so many friends and previously unknown people in such a small random place. The Free State in South Africa is filled with wonderful people and mind blowing scenery. Joubert & Renette, however took the cake so to say on Saturday. What a joy!